However, the system has a weak point, if the person who stole your iPhone and switched off the device, take out the SIM or put the device in flight mode, then it will become impossible to find the device. But, hold on, Apple finally has a solution for this. Yes, it’s true and really sounds awesome, as the Department of Patents and Trademarks of the United States has a system that reveals how Apple may detect your lost or stolen iPhone even if it is turned off. The patent number US20160323703, adopted on 6th May on this year, where details were revealed that how to add a feature to an iPhone that could simply allow the iPhone to inform Apple of its state even if the device is turned off. How the system works? Apple may put a timer to periodically connect a part of the device from an off state. At that time, the location service module will be activated that will determine the device’s location and send then immediately the information using one or more transmission channels. They would send the location codes via-mail or text message. They would also send images, voice and other data that may help the iPhone owner to create a pattern that leads to the thief or who have an iPhone that belongs to someone else. It is not clear if the feature would work on iPads and MacBooks using Wi-Fi only. This is because neither the WiFi iPads or MacBooks are able to transmit data without being connected to a known network. However, now the Find My iPhone is practically inactive if the SIM card is removed, the system will have to use other means to safeguard the integrity of the communication. There are various systems that communicate in both directions and which can be improved. This patent is not dedicated to the iPhone or iPad, however, taking into account the attitude of Apple regarding the security may actually be an asset already present in the next iPhone (iPhone 8).