Zhiqing Wan
The project went live today, and within just three minutes, it met its funding goal of $13,980. Not only that, it also completely smashed that goal and is sitting at $1,137,465 worth of pledges at the time of writing. It has since met its stretch goals, and will now come with a full color map, custom dice, new character archetype, and more. The Blade Runner RPG is set in a futuristic noir version of Los Angeles, where players will get together to solve various cases and crimes. The packaging itself looks incredibly well put together and fitting with the dirty cyberpunk vibes of the Blade Runner IP, and backers will be able to check out an early access version of the game soon after the campaign ends with downloadable PDF files and the core rulebook to get started.

Blade Runner Tabletop RPG Smashes its Kickstarter Funding Goal in 3 Minutes - 53