The reason for the unusual avalanche of leaks was that a person would have made several units of the Pixel 3 XL – which has already been seen in various cities around the world, and not only that even it is selling the device on the black market as well. This is revealed by 9to5Google, who has had access to information about this person, supposedly of Ukrainian origin and acting through a Telegram channel. In several conversations that are shown in the aforementioned medium, you can see a conversation in Russian with that seller, which has both Pixel 3 XL and Pixel 2 XL units. The price of the first is the most striking since a unit would be selling for $2,000, a price significantly higher than the device will have at the time of its sale, which will range between 900 and 1,000 dollars. According to the sources contacted by the aforementioned publication, more devices have been sold than have been seen in the leaks so far, so it is expected that we will see more information appear in the course of the next few days. The exclusive device, which can be delivered by hand in London once acquired – curiously, the photos taken with the camera of the device published yesterday were made in the British capital – or sent by DHL or FedEx, can be purchased by paying via PayPal or through bitcoins, although the seller indicates that he prefers this last option because of PayPal’s high international fees. The teams responsible for security at the tech giant Google and Foxconn -the plant where the device is assembled- are already having conversations regarding the leaks, presumably in order to clarify the trigger of this situation. The reality, yes, is that the damage is already done for a launch that will be made, if the information is correct, next October 4. So, what do you think about this? Simply share all your views and thoughts in the comment section below.